
根据题干中的NHS, DeepMind和agreement回文定位第一段第四句“It is against that background that the information commissioner, has issued her damning verdict against the Royal Free hospital trust under the NHS, which handed over to DeepMind the records...

这一现象产生了这个短语,用以指代电视剧或电影情节达到某个分水岭,在此只为出奇而引入一些荒唐可笑的剧情,表明质量开始下降。 例句:It had its faults - some say it jumped the shark ...

Meaning:a person who knows a little about a lot of different subjects or activities, but not a lot about any one of them 意思:杂而不精的人,万事通。 例句: 1. Walt is good at...

一些美国学生不乐意用自己的原名,而偏好昵称,也可以用go by来表达: My name is Catherine, and I go by Cat. 我的名字是Catherine,你们可以叫我Cat。 3. Appreciate it! 在美国,每次下...

有一天,当你回顾往事,就会明白有些事为什么当时会发生。 16. REPEAT AFTER ME: ‘My current situation is not my final destination’ — quote I stumbled across a few days ago and...

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